We take vitamins for a number of reasons: to boost our immune system, to address deficiencies in our diets, or to help our bodies improve their resilience to everyday stressors – among many others.

It makes sense, then, that anyone investing in vitamins would hope for a quick and meaningful impact, with maximum possible results and a tangible difference in wellbeing and health.

It’s also true that people wanting to use a vitamin for any of these health reasons would research which particular vitamins and minerals would address their particular health concern. They’d rather seek out a product that would answer those needs specifically, rather than settling for a ‘spray and pray’ approach with a product that has the necessary vitamins…and a few unnecessary others as well.

Oral vitamins need to go through quite a process before they actually become available in your blood stream, which is where they’re able to start doing their work. After being swallowed, they need to pass through and be processed by the stomach and small intestine, after which they head through the large intestine, where mostly minerals and water are absorbed. They then head through the liver, which then sends them out into blood vessels through the body, where tissues and cells absorb them, and they can start doing the job for which they were intended. That’s quite a long and time-consuming process, that’s influenced by factors like gut health and overall wellness.

An intravenous dose of vitamins, carefully mixed to respond to your specific needs, goes straight into your blood stream, and starts working immediately, in the places it’s intended for.

Think of oral vitamins as using public transport to get to work: a walk to the bus station (the mouth), a bus trip (to the small intestine), a wait for a taxi (the large intestine), another walk to the office (the liver) and then finally a climb up the stairs to actually start doing the job (the bloodstream).

Think of intravenous drips as having your own very fast car that magically gets green traffic lights all the way from home to the office… and you get to take the lift upstairs too!

Research has shown that because of the process it takes to get oral vitamins to the bloodstream, the absorption is only roughly 20-30%. And some people struggle to absorb any vitamins through their gut at all, particularly if they are ill, have inflammation or poor gut health. IV vitamins, on the other hand, guarantee 100% absorption into the blood stream, and a larger dose (with zero negative side effects) can be safely administered.

There may well be a price difference (although oral vitamins are by no means inexpensive), but the result with IV vitamins is exceptional: quick, effective, and longer-lasting.