First off. A bold statement. Vitamin drips, can and do, change your life. If you Flip2Fluid that is.
My relationship with vitamins used to be like a flame of lust. It’s hot, then it’s not! The opposite of being in flow and fluid.
A cycle I repeated, and then some! Decades of my life stuck, wasting time, money and energy. Until, I flipped.
Circa those decades…I’m exhausted, anxious can’t think straight. I’ve got writers block, I’m ready to go live on a farm, with no human contact EVER. I’m overwhelmed with so many things to do and time feels faster, or am I slower? I’m feeling very hopeless, and just want to be in bed, sleep, rest, and binge-watch cringeworthy Netflix. I’m burnt out. Beyond.
A problem solver, I’d take responsibility and buy vitamins. I’d line them up and begin the regime, morning, noon, and night. The lust spark! Oh, hello hope…
I was in that lust relationship with vitamins for decades, until I couldn’t stand myself anymore. I would buy vitamins, take them for a few days, but because my brain was so busy, burning units of thought and anxiety, I had brain fog. Admittedly and embarrassingly, I would forget to take them, and of then course they wouldn’t work. Time and money wasted. The lust was gone, quick, quick!
But all that wanders is not lost… One tiny spark of energy, a scintilla, ignites a flame, for in the blink of an eye, change can happen.
The flicker of lust that called me, was my first vitamin drip. The flicker of the eye, that changed my life, was the moment I decided to try something different. Soon, I had energy both in body and brain. I began discerning my units of thought and preserving my energy. My brain fog cleared, I started writing without realizing it, and forgot I was anxious. I was able to meditateand give myself permission to hug my soul.
I had capacity again and wasn’t overwhelmed…I was in flow…and this is what’s life changing.
Sounds a lot to change your life? It is. Personal archaeology I call it.
Some archaeology tools:
- Accept: You have burn out and need to do something.
- Action: Reach out to your preferred health care service provider, Doctor, Homeopath, coach, therapist, Body talk practitioner.
- Acknowledge you need help and take small steps to get there.
- Align your body, heart and mind.
Eat clean and exercise. See a coach or therapist. Invest in your wellbeing. Don’t forget to laugh; spend time in safe places; rejuvenate; replenish; refuel your soul; be with like-hearted souls. Get a vitamin drip.
I’ve flipped my normal ideology of vitamins, changed my mind, adapted to what’s available in 2022, and am happy to report my flame with The IV Bar is still very much alive.
The IV Bar provides as variety of vitamin, mineral and amino acid IV infusions specially designed to max out on health and wellness, clear the mind, reduce stress, enhance sports performance and recovery, detox and improve the appearance of skin tone. Book your drip now!
Flip2fluid to Flip2Flow
Author: A Life Coach